CDB Reports

Media & Information

The Year of Scandal: Whose Carnival?

CDB’s editor, Liu Haiying, examines in depth the various scandals in the charitable, public interest sector in 2011, how the sector has responded to improve its credibility, and the implications for the sector’s future development.

The Garbage Crisis: NGOs’ Call to Action

This article takes a fresh look at familiar waste management issues. Given the many environmental NGOs involved, waste management has developed into a rare arena for grassroots social action

The Beijing LGBT Center

This article profiles one of the few LGBT organizations devoted to the cultural, social and political advancement of the LGBT community. The emergence of the LGBT Center, and Aibai in Chengdu, exemplifies the emergence in China of more expressive organizations engaged in advocacy as well as service delivery.

A History of Lesbians Organizing in China

his article shows how far lesbian organizing has come in China over a short period of time, with lesbians coming together in physical and virtual venues, holding salons and conferences and forming networks with domestic and international LGBT groups.