CDB Reports


In-depth analyses on the issues facing Chinese civil society. Most of these articles have been written by CDB’s staff or translated from Chinese sources, while others are guest contributions from academics and NGO practitioners inside and outside of China.

【Marketizing the NGO Sector】 The Ongoing Debate

CDB's Chinese website recently played host to a lively debate on the marketization of the NGO sector. Here we provide a brief compendium of some of the views expressed by experts and activists on both sides of the debate.

China’s Philanthropy Development 2015 in a Nutshell

We here republish the abstract from the Chinese Academy of Social Science's annual "Blue Book of Philanthropy" for 2016. The abstract summarises some of the blue book's conclusions on the state of Chinese philanthropy over the previous year.

Spotlight on Philanthropic Support Organizations

Philanthropic Support Organizations are increasing the efficiency of philanthropy for the third Sector. This article features two such organizations, CDB and CAF Russian, to shed some light on this field.

Philanthropy or Social Development?

The author of this article, a project manager of Marie Stopes International China, challenges the currently dominant discourse by replacing “philanthropy” with “social development”, and “social organizations” with “social development organizations”. He also analyzes imported words such as “empowerment” from a Chinese perspective in the hope that these terms will evolve and thrive in the local environment.

One Way to Think About Philanthropy

The author provides a unique view on philanthropy that derives from his experience “on both sides of the table” - five years as president of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and six years as president of the University of Chicago.

Charity Law for Dummies

The Charity Law is China’s first national-level legislation governing its charitable sector. Want to know how the Charity Law will affect you? Read on!